Valleys and Mountains

Autumn Cruise

October 8, 2011


Date: 10/08/2011


Saturday, October 8th at 10:00 am, sharp, we’re off!  Check below for departure point and driver’s meeting time. 


This drive is just less than 110 miles.  That does not count the time / distance getting to the start or returning home from the finish.  We will start at the La Mesa Park & Ride and wind up at Major’s Diner in Pine Valley. We’re heading out from La Mesa through Lyons Valley, Pine Valley and Cottonwood Valley. Then follow Hwy 94 and back along Hwy 80.  Along the way we will stop at the Motor Transport Museum (MTM). Be sure to check out the web site here. We have done this route a few times, but have not stopped in at the MTM in a while.


There are several options for lunch, so the group can decide.  Likely places will be Live Oak Springs Resort or Major’s Diner.


Bring GMRS / FRS radios, w/ privacy codes, if you have them.  It is much easier to keep in touch.  There will be times for breaks and fuel stops.


Departure is as noted below and is where we met the last time, as well as Description: IMG_0180_01afor other drives. It is just west of where Hwys 94 and 125 intersect.



Departure Point

Directions to departure point:

La Mesa Park ‘n Ride

Lot 8: La Mesa 91941 (43)

7675 High St

Route 94 at Lemon Grove Ave (NORTH side of freeway)


Driver’s meeting at 9:45 AM

Depart at 10:00 AM



Description: C:\Documents and Settings\laiche\My Documents\My Pictures\D-Pix\J0905g\J0905g-01_01a.jpgIf you have any questions, drop me a note or post on the forum, in the appropriate thread.  Search for “San Diego” and then look up the Scenic Drive thread. 




whodatRX7 (John)

Silver ’88 GTU

gtu88rx-drive <at> yahoo <dot> com